

Conference: ‚Law and Justice: Indonesia 20 Years after Reformasi‘
Vom Freitag, 9. November 2018
Bis Sonntag, 11. November 2018
Aufrufe : 1028

The year 1998 is considered as the year of ‘Reformasi’ which marked the end of dictatorship in Indonesia. The great pro-democratic demonstrations, especially those of students, ended dictator Suharto’s power who had led the country under military rule for 30 years. The 20th anniversary of ‘Reformasi’ offers an occasion to reflect on own endeavors, to develop new strategies and eventually a chance for consolidation. This conference is dedicated to the following questions: To what extent are the demands formulated 20 years ago by the democratic movement realized? Which improvements can be seen? Are there deficits and if yes, why? Has democracy in Indonesia lead to the realization of the rule of law? Which problems have emerged or intensified? Which strategies and measures exist to enhance Indonesia’s development?

The conference will be held in English. The opening on the 9th November will be held in German.


9th November, 6.00 PM

Stadtbibliothek Tempelhof-

Hauptstr. 40, 10827 Berlin


10-11th November, 9.00 AM

Berlin Global Village,

Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin


General: 20 Euro (for professionals)
Reductions: 10 Euro (for students, seniors, low-income earners)


For the detailed conference programme, short profiles of the speakers and Registration Information visit Watch Indonesia!

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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